Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I have been praying that the Lord would take Asher Gray and use it to further His kingdom. It has been a process full of refining, seeking God's will, and immersing ourselves in the Word.

Yesterday, while I was working at the wellness clinic, a dear patient of ours came up to me and handed me her phone. On it was a picture of an i-Mac. She asked me if Christopher and I would have any use for it. My thoughts were, "Of course we could use it...but we can't afford it right now!" So...I asked what she and her husband were wanting for it. She said, "Well...why don't we go downstairs when you finish up and we'll put it in your car!" I couldn't believe it! She knows that Christopher and I are photographers, and that we've been patiently waiting on the Lord to provide us with additional equipment. Her husband works on Apple computers, and someone had given the i-Mac to him. Of course...the flood gates opened...I couldn't hold the tears back!

BUT WAIT...That's not all!

The night before, Christopher and I received an e-mail from his sweet Uncle Gary. Gary is an AMAZING photographer and graciously critiques our photography, lends us his fabulous Nikon lenses, and is currently on a lens hunt for us! :) This is a part what he wrote:

"You really need a lens the quality of the 50mm f/1.4. So, that means that you need a camera that will autofocus with that lens. I have the D200 that I am not using. The conundrum is that I get emotionally attached to cameras and dogs and hate to part with them. But a digital camera gathering dust is not doing anyone any good so if you smile sweetly you might melt an old codgers heart just enough for him to walk off and leave it on the table. If you would prefer something newer than the D200, we can discuss the possibility of me financing a D-90 or even D-5000. What ever it takes to move you up a notch or two on your camera body."

As you can see, I've been a little blown away at how openly God has been answering our prayers! Growing up on the mission field, Christopher has witnessed many miracles. I didn't give my life to Christ until I was a sophomore in college, so my memory of God's specific provision doesn't go back as far as his does. This was the first time I can remember being a part of something so bold...done by God. It leaves me breathless.

Thank you to those of you who continue to pray for Christopher and me. We are humbled that we get to be an active part of God's plan...and we wouldn't have it any other way! We love you all. :)


  1. WOW!!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

    and I'm totally jealous ;)

    if this woman ever has a random macbook to get off her hands, I hope you know who to call ;)


    but seriously, God is so good. Thank you so much for posting this. It's so encouraging to see God's work in the lives of others. Girl, I NEED to talk to you soon. We have SO much to talk about.

    I'm so happy for you guys. I'm sure Chris is having tons of fun playing with his new toy! I bet it's tough for him leave for work now.

    LOVE you!
    I'm so glad you're witnessing the miracles!

  2. are so talented! Your pictures are beautiful. I wish you were back in the DFW area so that our family could have a session with you!!

    And what a testimony to how God works according to His plan in our lives! Thank you for sharing all that He's doing through you and your business!!

    We should catch up sometime soon. It sounds like our paths to the Lord followed similar routes in college. :)

    Take care...
    Emily (Green) Smith
